Tate Modern Article

Last month, lots of young County supporters from St. Woolos Primary visited the famous Tate Modern Art Gallery in London watching their very own 'Football Fever' dance routine they performed at Rodney Parade last season.

After recieving funding back in September 2016, a huge number of children from St Woolos Primary visited Rodney Parade and practiced their football-themed dance on a number of occasions.

Several weeks later, the children delivered a superb performance entitled 'Football Fever' at Half-Time of the the abandoned match against Morecambe.

St Woolos entered the performance for the 'Creative Learning Through the Arts with Creativity, Culture and Education' exhibition in the Tate Modern Art Gallery in London and it was successfully accepted. 

The exhibition ran from Tuesday 24th to Sunday 29th April, the film was shown every day and recieved lots of positive reactions and comments from viewers at the Gallery. 

A huge congratulations to the children of St Woolos Primary for their outstanding work. We look forward to seeing you at Rodney Parade again soon!