breast cancer awareness

We are welcoming Bucket Collectors from the Relay For Life Pontypool branch of Macmillan Cancer Trust. All money raised will go towards fighting Breast Cancer. Find out more about the ladies joining us tomorrow...

Relay For Life Pontypool are in their third year having raised in excess of £120,000 in the past two years to fund life-saving research in all 200 cancers.

The event which takes place this year on May 26th & 27th in Pontypool Park has something for everyone.  Relay For Life is a non-competitive walking event that lasts for 24 hours!  A team of people - family/friends/work colleagues - take turns to walk around the park and get to camp overnight.  There is a festival atmosphere with stalls and music and some very special moments.  Cancer Survivors are invited to walk the first lap as VIPs – living proof that more people than ever before are surviving or living with cancer thanks to research!

The Candle of Hope ceremony at dusk is a very poignant moment when the walking stops and dedicated candles are lit to light the track to honour those lost to cancer, and bring HOPE for the future .

It’s amazing event that happens in 48 places around the UK and in 26 countries around the world!  For more information, please contact:

On Saturday, some of the teams taking part in Relay For Life will be kitted out in pink to do a bucket collection at the Newport Country Ground home match to celebrate Women at County as an extension of International Women's Day which was 8th March.

This income will be utilised to fund research into Breast Cancer, which is the most common cancer in the UK. Around 55,200 people are diagnosed with breast cancer in the UK each year. That is around 150 people a day. It is more common in women than men. Around 54,800 women are diagnosed each year and around 390 men. 1 in 8 women in the UK develop breast cancer during their lifetime. 1 in 870 men develop it. Most of the women who get breast cancer have had their menopause, but about 2 out of every 10 (20%) are under 50 years old.

Please Give Generously!