County in the Community

County in the Community (CITC) and Eveswell primary school welcomed Newport East Assembly member John Griffiths to this week’s Sport Move and Learn Lesson.

The sport move and learn project gives Year 5 pupils an opportunity to participate in classroom and practical activities related to Health and Wellbeing, giving them an insight into how to take care of their bodies and the importance of health, especially with the increase of child obesity.

CitC are working in partnership with the EFL Trust and Ferrero to tackle the ongoing rise in child obesity by delivering the Sport move and Learn project to primary schools across Gwent.  The project is delivered over a six-week period with each week covering a different topic. Alongside the classroom-based activities, each week a physical activity is delivered, Two weeks of Football, Handball and Dodgeball.

Over the academic year, CitC have delivered the Sport Move and Learn project to over 900 children across Gwent. With the continued support from EFL Trust and Ferrero we hope to continue the delivery from September.

On behalf of County in the Community and Eveswell primary school, we would like to thank John for taking time to come and visit our session and for the continued support.

If the Sport Move and Learn project would be of interest in your primary school, please contact our Sport Move and Learn coordinator Dan Williams by email: