us supporters Club

Gordon Grafft and Sean McElroy have been spreading the Newport County AFC name around the US for well over a year.  From travelling to USA Fanzones donning the famous Amber shirt, to delivering a Newport County AFC shirt to US Soccer Legend Jimmy Conrad, they’ve done an amazing job getting the County name out and about.

For too long, the @NewportCountyUSA account bio has read:  "The [still unofficial] American Supporters' Club of Newport County AFC. Please send inquiries to: newportcountyusa [at] gmail [dot] com."

And we’re pleased that this can now say “OFFICIAL”.

Gordon and Sean watch County Matches live on our iFollowExiles service and Gordan has even made the 10,000-mile round-trip to Rodney Parade to cheer on the Exiles! [Tweet above].

When asked about how he became a County fan, Gordon said: “I became a County fan because I fell in love after learning about the club’s history, the highs and lows the supporters had been through, and the amazing people who had been a part of it all. I wanted to support a club that means something to a community - seeing how the FA Cup run brought everyone together last year was really special.”

Happy American Independence Day, Gordon, Sean and everyone else in the USA