Junior Journalist Reports

On Saturday 30th March, Newport County AFC handed their match against Coventry City over to the kids in the first ever County Kids Take Over. Eliot took over the PA announcing duties, Ruby was managing the team, Ollie was in-charge of kit, and Junior Chairman Charlie was making all the decisions!

Up in the Press Box Junior Journalist Luke was taking notes about his day as Junior Journalist covering the match.  Here's his report of the day...  

"It was a Good Friday for me as I was given the opportunity of being a Junior Journalist for the day and, although the rain was pouring, it didn’t dampen the way  Newport County played against such a brilliant team as Coventry.

Newport attacked well but individual defensive errors cost them all 3 points.  David Pipe made a few good tackles and I feel that Newport County deserved to have a few more goals.  Padraig Amond had the best of County’s chances but Mickey Demetriou scored after great build up play from Robbie Willmott. 

Newport County deserved to win for much of the match as they were the better team but unfortunately it was not meant to be

I would like to thank Newport County for the eggs-ellent opportunity of being a Junior Journalist.  I really enjoyed meeting my heroes David Pipe and Mike Flynn.

I am hoping to go into sports Journalism in the future but this is where my dream has started."