Supporters Trust Elections

At the last Supporters Forum we notified Trust members of the intention to hold elections to fill 5 vacant positions on the Supporters Trust Board.

 As part of this process we have been working with Colin Everett to put in place a clear timetable for the elections, which is set out below.

In order to ensure the elections run as smoothly as possible during October we will be reviewing the membership database and ensuring full compliance with election protocols. Colin has kindly offered to assist the Trust with this process.



26 October

Closing date for Trust membership for qualification to stand for election

1 November

Election timetable announced

22 November

Closing date for candidate nomination forms submission

22 November

Closing date for submission of supporting statement

25 November

Closing date for completion of edited version of supporting statements

26 November

Publication of list of candidates and details

22 November

Closing date for new/renewed Trust members to be eligible to vote

6 December

Closing date for applications for postal and proxy votes

Saturday 23rd December 

Polling station opening dates

23rd December

Closing date for return of postal votes

6th January

Election count

6th January

Announcement of election results

It should be remembered that if the number of valid candidates is the same or less than the number of vacancies then they are to be elected unopposed.