Nouble exclusive

Exiles striker Frank Nouble played a vital role in the 1-0 victory over Grimsby Town on Saturday, providing the assist for Padraig Amond’s match-winning goal.

That was Nouble’s second assist for his fellow attacker after setting up Amond’s debut goal against Chesterfield, with the duo already forming a formidable partnership at Rodney Parade.

Nouble himself is a quarter of the way towards his own goal target of 20, after getting a hat-trick in the Chesterfield game, alongside strikes at Stevenage and Crewe Alexandra.

Post-Match, he spoke exclusively to iFollow Exiles about the Grimsby win, the upcoming trip to Crawley Town and his relationship with the fellow attackers at the club.


On the Grimsby Town win…

“Another battle which we come out on top of. That’s brilliant for us really because last week I think we got out-battled and it was disappointing for us.

“Another League 2 game and another win so that’s all that matters really.”


On match-winner Padraig Amond…

“He did very well and got his goal. I’m going to claim the assist because I flicked it on.

“I think first-half we had a lot of chances from set-plays so I’m just happy that one went in.

“He’s settled in really well and that’s what we want from a new player. I’m just happy we won really, happy for him to get his goal and it’s good that it was an attacker who scored today.”


On the bond formed with Amond…

“It’s difficult to build any kind of relationship over just three or four games but as long as we keep scoring the odd goal here and there then we’ll be fine.”

“As long as we’re winning and the manager can trust us up-front that’s all that matters really.”


On his target of 20 goals this season…

“I’m a quarter of the way in now so hopefully at Crawley, I can get two or three.

“However, I haven’t scored for five games now and it’s getting embarrassing. It’s not just about me anyway because if the strikers can score 30 goals between us then we’ll be in the play-offs minimum and that’s our target.”


On the unbeaten record being created at Rodney Parade under Mike Flynn…

“It’s good, we’re playing well at home.

“We’re getting the results that we put the work in for so long may that continue. I don’t think people want to come to Newport anymore so if we can keep doing what we’re doing at home then we’ll be alright. 

“It’s always good to play at home because going to a place like Morecambe was like going to the desert, it was really far. It took us five hours to get there so of course we’d rather be at home.

“I think most teams have to travel far to come here so we have to hit teams straight at the throat early-doors and I think we did that today.”


On the return of Joss Labadie and Mark O’Brien…

“You always need the spine of the team playing week in, week out.

“Obviously Mark O’Brien and Joss Labadie were here last year and they really set the tone. When they are not there it is a big hole to cover but they only missed two games.

“They are back now, we won the game and everyone will be ready for Crawley.”


On the trip to Crawley Town on Tuesday…

“Another tough game at Crawley, I don’t know where they are in the league but it’s another game where we have to go there and get three points.

“Actually, I’ve never lost at Crawley. I actually relegated them one year on the final game of the season with Coventry City. We beat them that day so I’m going to remember that and hopefully go down there and win again.

“Hopefully we can get another result because it keeps the momentum going. I hate not having a midweek game so I think the boys are ready, we will rest up today and tomorrow but of course we are looking forward to the next one.

“There’s no one to be scared of in the league to be honest with you. There’s no Real Madrid or Barcelona in League 2 so we just have to go and battle. As long as we put in a shift like we did today then we can definitely go there and get a result.”