65 miles walk to raise money for We Wear the Same Shirt

What will you be doing at 7am on Thursday morning? Snoozing through your alarm? Eating breakfast? Driving to work? Drinking your first coffee of the day? It's certainly unlikely that you'll be about to undertake a 50 mile walk - but that's what the County in the Community team are up to.

In order to raise money for the We Wear the Same Shirt side, the County in the Community team undertaking a three day walking challenge from Builth Wells to Rodney Parade.

Starting at 7am on Thursday, a selection of the Community staff, trustees and volunteers (as well as Spytty the Dog) will be travelling 18 miles on day one (from Builth Wells to Talgarth), 22 miles on day two (from Talgarth to Goytre), and 12 miles on day three (from Goytre to Rodney Parade).  The team will arrive on foot at Rodney Parade just after 2pm on Saturday.  Just in time for the Exiles match vs Wycombe Wanderers.

The men, women, and County Mascot taking part in the walk will be carrying buckets to help raise money for the We Wear the Same Shirt side and their will be a bucket collection at Rodney Parade on Saturday.  We would ask supporters to give generously to help this amazing programme.


We Wear the Same Shirt Programme

The programme is aimed at adults who are living with a mental health condition and is free of charge to attend. You will get a friendly welcome, a chance of a kick about and if you’re lucky a cup of tea and a biscuit at the end ... or if you’re very lucky a bottle of water and a piece of fruit.

County in the Community deliver the programme every Thursday from 1pm until 2.30pm at Newport Civil Service, Shannon Close, Bettws, Newport, NP20 7LX. For more information contact Norman on community@newport-county.co.uk or go to www.wewearthesameshirt.org to be our latest signing.

Defender, Dan Butler We Wear the Same Shirt Ambasador, has sent his well-wishes ahead of the walk too: "Good luck to everyone taking part in the charity walk.  It's for a great cause and everyone at the Club and in the Community appreciates it."

Join us at the Wycombe Wanderers game!