become a newport county mascot

Matchday Mascots are an important part of any Newport County AFC football match and they always do a fantastic job of leading the teams out onto the pitch whilst wearing the Amber Shirt with pride!

Perfect for birthday and Christmas presents or just as an incredible matchday experience, being the Newport County AFC Mascot will be an experience you’ll treasure forever.

Matchday Mascot packages start from just £100 (+VAT) and include:

A Tour of Rodney Parade


Meet your Favourite Players


Hang out with Spytty the Dog



Lead the team onto the pitch



Get a Complimentary Programme (which you will feature in)


A match ticket for the mascot and two parents/ guardians in premium seats


We are now taking booking for matches in November and for the rest of the 2017/18 Season.  If you'd like to be a Matchday mascot or would like some more information about the Mascot package, please contact Hayley Ford