Christmas Lottery Give Away

With 5 x £1000 prizes to give away at the beginning of December - there's never been a better time to sign up to ThCounty Lottery!

The County Lottery is a fantastic money maker for the Club and its supporters!

Every Thursday at 11am, we draw the numbers and make one lucky fan £500 richer!  There are also prizes for three runners up with second place winning £100 and third and fourth place winning £50 each.

On the last Thursday of every month, the 1st Prize ammount goes up to a massive £1000.  Kerry Collins (pictured) came to training ground to collect her cheque for £1000 last month.


With Christmas just around the corner, we'll be giving away 5 x £1000 prize money for the first draw in December.  That means that come 11.01am on 7th December, a massive five County fans will be £1000 better off!

There will also be the usual, £100, and 2 x £50 prizes available.

It’s just £4.33 a month (or £1 a week) to enter with the prize is drawn every Thursday.

All money not given out as prize money goes to the Club in order to support the Player Budget and finance the Club. 

You can register to join the County Lottery online by clicking here or on the Google Play app by clicking here.  You can also join by calling 01633 481896.

Click here for all the previous winners, and more information
about the County Lottery Draw.

Good luck!