u18 Academy

County reporter Ryan Robinson sat down with a trio of young County talent discussing the success of last season, to a hopeful first team step-up this season.

Reflecting on a successful campaign, Davies said: “The first couple of weeks were difficult because we needed to get to know each other but once that bond was created, it was easy for us to push forward.

“We all pulled each other through last season, if someone was slacking then we would help them out which was really good because it showed the unity of the team, that we work for each other and that yielded the results.”

Evan Press said: “Coming into the team as a first-year and producing the performances we did to win a lot of games has really brought the academy together and it has taken us forward. This is something that is instilled within us and it goes from the first-team right through to the academy which is really encouraging for the team.”

Hoping to emulate their achievements this season, Modou Touray said:

“This year we are looking to win both leagues and the FAW Cup. We believe we can do it and our pre-season has so far been shaped around getting us prepared for the new season.”

A new crop of County youngsters will be on hand to help the team achieve their goals. And all three boys said it was important to get the new boys integrated into the team from the off.

“We’ve done team bonding activities with the boys stepping up already so it’s just about making them feel welcome and helping them settle in," Davies explained.

Whilst Press added: “The big difference stepping up is going from training two-three times a week to training everyday – morning, afternoon, double sessions with high intensity all the time. As a team, we will try to motivate them because we think that’s what will bring the team together.”

The Academy are the future of the Club and following in the footsteps of the lives of Tom Owen-Evans and achieving a first-team start is what these boys are dreaming about.

Press explained: “It’s an ambition for us all to step up. Especially second-years thinking about what they want to do next year so if we can break into the first-team this season then it gives us a great opportunity.”