Community WWTSS Quiz

All proceeds from Thursday's quiz will go to help sustain the We Wear the Same Shirt Programme.

The We Wear the Same Shirt programme is a vital and valued part of the County in the Community programme which allows people with Mental Health issues become part of the Club, represent "the 'port", make friends, take part in excercise, and travel to places like Swindon for friendlies.

Last year, as well as friendlies with sides over the bridge, the We Wear the Same Shirt also took part (and won) the FAW's We Wear the Same Shirt tournament held in Dragon Park.

As part of the Club's #OneClubOneCounty launch, We Wear the Same Shirt player Rob Taylor was interviewed on what it's like to be part of the team.


Now it's time for YOU to help support this fantastic side by joining the Community Quiz night on the 17th August.

Details of the event on the poster below: