COMMUNITY | Kinder +Sport Move and Learn Programme

This year has seen our partnership with the EFL Trust grow further with the delivery of the Kinder +Sport Move and Learn programme. The project is a healthy living incentive, which a select group of clubs from the Football League and further afield deliver to primary schools across the UK, with support of Ferrero and the EFL Trust itself.

This year we’ve been working with more than 16 primary schools in Newport, Torfaen and Monmouthshire, engaging over 900 youngsters in the region. In each school our County in the Community coaches work with the pupils in Year 5 for six weeks at a time, looking at ways in which we can improve our lifestyle, eating habits and physical activity. Equal time is spent both in the classroom environment and outside on the playground.

The classroom lessons spend time teaching pupils about How Exercise Can Benefit Our Body, How the Skeletal System Works and The Importance of Diet/Nutrition & Hydration. Following the classroom learning, pupils then take part in a PE lesson which focusses on introducing skills and activities in Football, Handball and Dodgeball.

The +Sport Move and Learn project has been a great success so far this year, with loads more planned for the Summer Term. Our school’s coaches Dan Williams and Mike Pratt have done a brilliant job in involving as many schools and their pupils in the scheme as possible, with some great feedback from children and teachers alike, from Osbaston Primary School in Monmouth right across to Padre Pio RC Primary School in Pontypool.

During one of the lessons at Maindee Primary School in February we were fortunate enough to be joined by local politicians – Paul Flynn MP, Jessica Morden MP, Jayne Bryant AM and John Griffiths AM who joined in with pupils as they worked through some activities based around how important Fruit & Vegetables can be in improving our health.

we are playing host to an afternoon of activity at Rodney Parade where Year 5 pupils from St Woolos and Maindee primary schools will be enjoying some Football, Handball and Dodgeball activities on the grass as well as taking part in fun competitions in Rodney Hall based around smoothie making, the human skeleton and diet. We’re really excited about the day and it promises to be a great event for the pupils of both schools, who’ve been a pleasure to teach this year!thOn top of the regular delivery in schools around Gwent, on Tuesday April 25

If you would like to find out more about the Kinder +Sport Move and Learn programme, or any other ways that County in the Community can make a difference in your local school, then please contact our School Sport Coordinator, Dan Harvey –