We are aware of a number of concerns being expressed on various social media platforms around the legitimacy of the recent election process and these are addressed below.

We have adopted a similar model to other supporter owned clubs and have been guided by Supporters Direct throughout. Their model became the basis of our model:

-­ there are 9 members on the Board

-­ we will have one board and an operational committee

-­ our trust constitution follows that of the Supporters Direct model terms

-­ we have run the election process in accordance with our constitutional timeframes

-­ the election process has been handled by an independent person who has been supported by other willing volunteers and club officials

Turning to the election process that has just concluded, here is an outline of the process and timetable it has followed:


to view.HERE-­ Meeting to outline election process. Details published on the Club’s official website - Click

to view.HERE-­ Trust Monthly Newsletter for April outlining the election process - Click

to view HERE-­ Details of the Supporters Trust meeting and relevant documents published online - Click

Election launch

to view.HERE-­ Communication launching election -­ Click

-­ Timetable shared in the Trust’s monthly newsletter for April

to view.HERE-­ Manifestos published online -­ Click

-­ 1st June -­ Email to ask members of the Trust to supply addresses, and to contact the Club if no voting form was received

-­ 5th July -­ Email to Trust members to remind them of the closing dates for voting. Reminder of closing dates published on the Club’s website

to view.HERE-­ 7th July – Statement from Colin Everett outlining why the Trust must carry on in light of the events at the AGM -­ Click


Post election

-­ Election closed on 9th July

-­ The count undertaken by volunteers David Hando, Phil Burgess, Colin Everett and James Hayhoe on Saturday 16th July

to view.HERE-­ Comms 16th July outlining result - Click

to view. HERE-­ Comms 17th July relaying breakdown of  results -­ Click


In addition, it is worth noting the following:

-­ 2,143 members were eligible to vote


-­ 2,126 voting papers were sent out (17 addresses were not held)


-­ 3 times people were reminded to make contact if they had not had a ballot paper


-­ There was a period of 6 weeks since the issue of the ballot papers to the closing date for voting


-­ 24 members made contact as their addresses had changed


- Over 80 plus hours were spent on the task, with people volunteering to assist the Trust in various points throughout the process.


The total cost spent was £2054, covering:


-­ printing £660


-­ stationery £391


-­ postage £1003


We feel the process has been run fairly and robustly, and members were provided opportunity both to update their details and to vote.

The papers were held in a secure location prior to the vote count and were unable to be accessed. All the processes followed in the Election process met the satisfaction of the Election Officer, Colin Everett.

Colin was asked by the Trust to undertake the role of Election Officer, given his experience of acting as Election Officer in many national and regional elections. Most recently Colin has worked as a returning officer in the EU Referendum and the Trust ensured they followed his advice and guidance throughout the election timetable.

In looking ahead to future Supporters Trust elections, the Board of Directors have taken on board suggestions from Colin Everett, regarding looking at the possibility of hosting the elections during the season and also looking at the feasibility of using an electronic form of voting. This feedback will be considered in any future planning.

Our thanks to Colin Everett who has overseen the process in the most professional manner and to the count volunteers David Hando, Phil Burgess and James Hayhoe.

Tweets by @NewportCounty