FA Cup - Update


As we enter the final few hours before our FA Cup Second Round Replay against Plymouth Argyle we would like to encourage supporters who have yet to purchase tickets to do so well in advance of kick off. 
We have now sold over 4,000 tickets  for the game and the ticket office will be open from 10am this morning up until kick off. 


Car parking will be limited within the ground due to the match being televised along with other equipment required to support the game. 

No vehicles will be granted access to the stadium from 6.15pm and all vehicles  will need to be on the list to gain entry. 

If you have any doubt about parking tonight please contact James Watts at james@newport-county.co.uk

Pre - match entertainment 

We are opening the We Fight Any Claim Marquee from 5pm with local band Anthem playing from 6.30pm. 

Please note that Rodney Hall will not be open and there is no charge to enter the marquee.


Overnight we have had the pitch covered and it will remain so as close to kick off as possible to protect the playing surface.

Trust Membership 

There will be a presence in the club shop from 6pm to answer any questions in relation to membership of the trust. 

Thank you for your support and let's get behind the team and make it a night to remember.