County in the Community have organised a walking football tournament this Sunday at Llanwern High School.

County in the Community have organised a walking football tournament this(Sunday)at Llanwern High School.


The tournament will take place on the 3G pitch at the High School, and will take place between 12-2pm on Sunday 10th April.


All players must be over fifty years years of age and the maximum squad size is 7 people.


The winners of Sunday’s tournament will go on to represent Newport County AFC at the regional finals, which take place week commencing May 9th, at a venue that will be confirmed closer to the date. 


Entry to the tournament is £2 per person and each game will last no longer than twenty minutes. 

County in the Community run weekly walking football sessions, 6pm-7pm on a Monday evening at Llanwern High School.


, or by phoning 07468723636. emailIf you would like to enter a team into the tournament, or want to find out more about walking football, please contact Community Development Officer Norman Parselle via

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