Robbie Willmott Making Progress Following Thigh Injury

First team physio Adam Roche gives an update on the injury to Robbie Willmott

In the interview Roche spoke in detail about the injury to Willmott and gave details about his road to recovery: “He picked up a grade two strain on his muscle that runs across the top of the thigh, he picked it up against Stevenage about three weeks ago. It's progressed a little bit after Stevenage and it's kept him out of training” said Roche.

“He's had a couple of set backs, with a grade 2 tear we'd hope that a player would be back within six weeks of the injury, which obviously takes us up to the end of the season, but Robbie is progressing quite well at the moment, and we're hopeful that he might be back before the end of the season.

“If he's not back before the season ends, if we stay in the play-offs, obviously he'll be available for the play-offs.”

“We're focussing on plyometric and strength work, he's doing a lot of squats at the moment, loading up his front quads and putting some extra pressure through the muscle.”

“Everything we do is as pain allows, we don't want him to be in pain as it will just regress the injury. We need to progress it slowly, but efficiently, we don't want to give him too little to do as he won't progress as quickly as we'd like, and he might be out even longer.

“By giving him an optimal ammount to do, hopefully it will get him back quicker, and when he does come back he won't break down again.”