Non-Executive Directors join County

Non-Executive Directors join County

January has been a busy month behind the scenes at NCAFC. As the football team continues to perform at levels not achieved for many years,  behind the scenes the Directors and Management team continue to strive to support the on field success this season has produced to date. This has led to the creation of a non-executive Board of Directors and we are pleased to announce the appointments of the first three members today with a few more to follow in the coming months.


In no particular order, we are pleased to have secured the services of Chris Blight, Duncan Jardine and Kevin Morris. All 3 will be known to anyone associated with the club as having Newport county blood running through their veins for many many years.


Chris, having been a former Director and Chairman ( 2002-2012 ) brings a wealth of experience to the Board that is second to none in the clubs recent history. Chris' resume for Newport County is far too long to recite here!


Duncan has been associated with the club since 1989 In various roles but most notable for his contribution to the success of the club shop and programme at both Spytty and Rodney Parade.


Last but by no means least, Kevin who has been involved with football administration for some 16 years,  a former general manager at Carmarthen town and before that press officer at Cwmbran town and as most will know an invaluable link for many years between the club administration fans and players alike will provide invaluable support and strengthen the cohesive bond between the various elements which make the club a success at all levels.


We are sure you will welcome all three to the new positions as warmly as we have. We are lucky to have secured their services.


Sadly, we say farewell and good luck to Dave Boddy who leaves us tomorrow to pursue other interests. We wish him the very best of success and thank him for his contribution during his time with us. We will be recruiting a new CEO to replace Dave in the course of the coming months and whilst we have received applications already we will be advertising the role publicly in the very near future before undertaking formal interviews.


Finally, we would remind anyone who is interested that the closing date for application for the current vacancy of Club Shop Manager is 4th February 2015. Full details are available on the website.